5 Types of Journaling Methods to Deepen Your Self Connection
1: Try the classic preempt journal prompts:
Journaling prompts specifically set up for self connection related questions are really helpful to start writing and exploring immediately without having to put much else thought in to how you would want to start your session. Prompts are a great way to enquire yourself and write down the answers immediately comes in to your mind.
I have noted below example of 10 journal prompts focused on self connection to explore for your next journalling session:
What was my first thought when I woke up this morning and how did that make me feel?
What is going on in my life right now? What are the top 3 themes?
What is one thing that is going really well in my life right now or something that I am very pleased with?
Who is the one person in my life that I am always happy to hear from regardless of whatever happening in life?
What are the top 5 compliments I can immediately give myself right now?
How would I describe my personality at this stage in life? What are the Top 5 words I would use to describe my personality?
What would you choose to do with your life if you had a guarantee of it succeeding?
What are the top 3 things I find myself thinkings about often?
Is there anything that is currently making me feel negative emotions at the moment?
What is generally my immediate reaction when things don’t go my way?
2: Automatic writing method:
I would recommend the best way to practice automatic writing is setting up a timer for about 10-15 mins (or however long you have available) and start writing whatever comes in to your mind. You could also ask yourself questions and see what automatic response you get from your own mind or you could just start writing sentences based on whatever information flows through your head until the timer goes off. It is always interesting to look back and see all the thoughts you have managed to conjure up within the timed period and explore whatever topic you have written about to get an understanding of what is going on in your head at the moment.
Another way you can look at automatic writing practice is a method of connecting with your intuition to let it guide you in the moment to bring forth whatever you wish to convey in writing form. Sometimes it comes as forms of self affirmation, advice, self assurance or even reminders. It is a great way to practice self connection as automatic writing consciously allows you to mindfully connect with your intuition and gives it a voice to express itself in writing form of whatever it wishes to express.
3: Write to your Higher-self/ God/ Universe:
Whether you are spiritual or religious, Whatever your belief is… This method of writing whilst imagining you are writing to a higher power is an excellent practice for self connection. You could take this moment to express gratitude, sorrows, prayers and ask discuss anything else you wish to express.
I find that this method (as someone who is spiritual) really helps me to genuinely tap in to whatever gratitude list I am writing as I feel as though imagining myself expressing gratitude to my higher self/ higher power really brings forth extra emotions and connections to whatever I am saying rather than just simply making a list of items to note in a gratitude list. If anything is bothering me or if I am feeling as though I could really do with some guidance, inspiration and support I would also take this time to write in prayers.
Despite the spiritual aspect of this practice, If we were to look at this from a practical point of you, It is also interesting to see what are the things in our life we are genuinely so grateful to have and which current solutions in life we are looking to resolve at the moment.
4: Advice yourself from your higher-self’s perspective:
Imagine the best version of you, You know the version of you that makes you feel good, brings forth positive emotion and makes you feel proud? That is a version of your higher-self. Tap in to that energy and seek connection. If that version of yourself would advice you on your current life situations, What would they say? What words of encouragement would they share? How would they sooth you? Tap in to the advices from the higher version of you and write down what comes in to your mind.
5: Write lists for things or brainstorm dot points for topics:
Listing things is a great way to summarise your thoughts and create a concise list of things that resonate with you. What are some of the lists you can journal to deepen your self connection? I have noted few examples below for inspiration!
List of positive affirmations about my life
List of my most happiest memories
List of my favourite songs
List of things I would like to do more of
List of positive affirmations about my body
List of all the favourite activities I did
List of book/media/content that changed my perspective on something
List of your favourite quotes
List reminding you of your goals
List of gratitude
Resources for reference 🖤
10 journal prompts focused on self connection to explore for your next journaling session
10 Journal list prompts for self connection
Hope you enjoyed this post, Thank you for being here 🖤
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