Keys: originality • inspiration • skill • direction • magic • power • action • manifestation
The Message:
As card number 1 of the deck, the Magician represents new beginnings and sparks of inspiration and invention. Your next step may require self-discipline and planning, but with a dash of perseverance and a little bit of foresight, anything is possible with the power of the Magician. This card also describes the self-mastery that comes from exploring talents and skills, prompting you to find a healthy and comfortable balance in your higher faculties, each of which is associated with a key aspect of yourself: the physical (Earth), mental (Air), spiritual (Fire) and emotional (Water) powers. When working together harmoniously, these energies allow you to channel your full potential – when your efforts yield super-positive results and the world seems full of possibilities!
Questions To Ask:
How can I identify where my true skills lie?
How can I maintain an overall balance in my life?
Am I ready to ride this creative wave?
Reversed, the Magician may indicate a state of detachment from achieving your goals or understanding where your true potential lies. You may not be able to identify what you are capable of if you are using your skills for negative reasons, or if you have not been honouring your heart’s intentions. It may be a good time to build a foundation of support for your dreams and aspirations in order to manifest them with confidence and ease.
These are the juicy, potent keys in life that shake us to the core and fuel our hearts. Also known as trump cards, the Majors are numbered 0 (the Fool) to 21 (the World). These indicate universal archetypes found on the path to spiritual self-awareness, highlighting stages in life that we might encounter as we search for the meaning of it all. These lessons are traditionally reflected in the Fool’s Journey of the Majors as he meets each oracle and transitions through the three major planes of existence that show up in this Arcana:
The Physical/Material Plane: The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot
The Mental/Psychological Plane: Justice, The Hermit, The Wheel of Fortune, Strength, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance
The Spiritual/Astral Plane: The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement, The World.
These connect to the journey of our spirit and the powerful forces that come into play. When these cards show up in readings, it is important to pay attention. Cards in the Major Arcana act as signposts to events, energies or people that are, or will be, significant in your life and story.
The Book of Tarot - A modern guide to reading the tarot - Danielle Noel
Major Arcana Cards
Minor Arcana Cards